Apostle Moses Adams, DD


It is our job as Spiritual leaders to be true leaders in deed.  People are depending on us to help them on this crucial journey.  People are dealing with hurt in many different forms, sickness, financial struggles & family issues just to name a few. 

God has ordained His Chosen to help others on this path to Holiness.  The Word of God has all that we need to make it in this world and the next one. 

The problem is that many people don't have a relationship with the God that will allow them to access the deeper things of God.  In these instances, people then are taught but not a level to sustain them. 

God want us to seek HIM with all that we have so that we can help ourselves as we help others to grow and to do the Will of our Heavenly Father. 

Our Worship must be real in private, first, in order to develop an effective public ministry.